so i had to head to school on friday the 12th to pick up my new schedule and find out what my next semester was going to look like. luckily things don't look to bad at all, and i only have class from 11h-13h on fridays which is all that really matters because this means i can sleep in after our raging thursday nights yet not have to be stuck at school all day long.
the first weekend back was pretty quiet to say the least. having camilla still not back from norway until tuesday things we're pretty dead. and i think i'm still trying to adjust to life without danielle, which is proving just as hard as i had expected it to be. however, there are a shit load of new kids at school and a bunch of people to meet and greet, but nobody can replace.
i think this month has been the absolute poorest i've been to date, which also didn't help with the lively-ness of the weekend. having not really been able to afford to go away on february break in the first place, i now owe le banque bnp my life and soul. so when a bunch of people were taking advantage of the 15euro train to paris i decided to pass it up and have the house to myself for the weekend.
on saturday there was un grand spectacle down my street in celebration of le carnevale (or mardi gras as we know it)
i decided to follow it down to place de la libertation and watch in awe along with all the terrified kids who thought it was some kind of bad trip they were having. this would have been an ideal day if i've ever seen one for trying acid or some kind of psychedelic drug of the sorts.
the pictures don't really do it justice at all, but it really was a pretty cool show.
sunday was valentine's day, so i decided to sleep as long as humanly possible and then hit up the fabulous flunch with some friends for an all you can eat type of lunch. we decided it was only right that i accept to be elias' valentine since he lost his girlfriend earlier in the year and all (please do not feel sorry for him in anyway shape or form). then later that night i met up with a bunch of the girls from school after dinner for some drinks at the sushi bar, osaka, just behind my place (don't worry, i haven't broadened my horizons enough yet to enjoy sushi)
monday morning i relentlessly started classes again, and waking up for 9am class has never been harder knowing that you have to sit there for 3 hours straight learning grammaire and sentence structures and the likes, followed by another two hours of civilisation. monday's are going to be brutal.
tuesday marked camilla's LONG overdue return back to dijon. i think i may have died if this girl came back any later. once classes were finished we spent the afternoon veggin' at her place and catching up on everything we'd missed. it seemed like i hadn't seen her since before christmas break, which is just not right.
wednesday was pretty dull with classes and just trying to get my body used to the fact that i actually have SOME responsibilities in my life again.
and then thursday (the big night to go out in dijon) was brought back with a bang when we all congregated chez camilla's (of course) to pre-drink for the long anticipated night. after a litre of wine and a interesting drinking game or two, lauren and i decided we weren't fit for the bar just yet and it would be wise to head to the epicerie du nuit to get another bottle to split. from then on the night obviously proceeded to become hilarious. we met up with everybody else at la salsa (our favorite bar where you can dance ontop of whatever you like, tables, the bar, anything you can find) and it was PACKED. immediately a sign for a good night. i remember dancing the night away and having a grand old time, and apparently i met the love of my life... who may or may not have turned out to be gay? or i might have just been bitter because i was too drunk to convey any kind of romantic conversation in english, let alone french at that point. hahaha a good time was had by all, and then once la salsa closed we continued on to le jamaquie. wisely the bouncers would not let some of us in, which i found hilarious while others were not so pleased, but i took this as a good sign that it was time to head home and walked back to my place with emily.
upon my return chez moi i decided, as i always do, that now would be a fabulous time to call everyone i know back in canada, so that i did. ended up chatting away with emma on the webcam until about 5am when she insisted that i really should probably go to bed. i can only imagine how enjoyable that conversation was for her.
miraculously i still made it to class on friday morning, semi-functioning, but i got by. as soon as i made it home though i slept for the majority of the afternoon attempting to sleep of the headache and hangover. needless to say i did not get up to a whole lot for the rest of the evening.
saturday camilla and i went to monoprix (grocery store) and picked up some stuff to make tacos for lunch (best idea ever.) a chez camilla's we faired our tacos and made some brownies as well. we continued to pass the following 6 or so hours not moving from her couch and watching movies and dave chappelle. perfect day if you ask me really.
today it was GORGEOUS outside (i hope that means spring is on its way) and i decide that it was time to stop being such a lazy slob so i went out into the world and found a bench in the sun where i sat and wrote some postcards and read my book (time traveller's wife, so good!)
now that i've fully caught you all up on my life i guess it's probably time i should take care of mes devoirs..................
i appologize for the gargantuous posts lately, and i promise to do my best to make them much shorter and to the point from now on.
bisous mes amis! x
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