surely we couldn't send danielle off to reunion island without the most extreme going away party known to man, so that is exactly how we celebrated on friday night. everybody showed up and it was a great send off, and possibly the best party a chez camilla to date. we somehow managed to cram 42 people into her tiny apartment and as the booze started flowing, and everyone was mingelin' it finally started to dawn on me that in a few hours danielle would actually be leaving me. i miraculously manged to stick to my two promises of not getting my usual drunk and not crying, i was impressed with myself to say the least.
c: "we should get the cheese one"
z: "or we could get THESE ones"
c: "you want to get tomato flavoured?"
z: "or we could get THESE ones"
c: "yeah, or we could get CHEESE"
z: "no, these aren't cheese, these are épicé"
then it was off to chez nous for even more goodbyes with markus. this weekend was trop triste. however, i believe i've officially become a "regular" at chez nous, since last night when the bartender saw me he bizbized me. life is complete.
the week leading to danielle's departure was spent crossing things off of our bucket list of things to do in dijon.
walk far enough out of dijon that we got lost - check
eat the strongest burgers in town - check
tour around lac kir - check
rent the rent-a-bikes in dijon - sadly, no check
climb a "mountain" - check
ski in the alps - check
my wok it - check
climb the dijon tower to enjoy to view - no check, yet.
watch where the wild things are - check
chez nous it, one last time - check
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